Understanding Supervision

At Silm Centre for Mental Health, our psychologists offer supervision. When providing supervision, this means that they retain full legal and ethical responsibility for the management of the case. The client is the responsibility of the supervising psychologist, both legally and clinically.

​Supervision offers a number of advantages:

  • By supervising others, psychologists are able to promote high-quality services are offered to a larger number of people.
  • Supervision allows us psychologists to share their knowledge and experience with more recent graduates, thus contributing to the development of the field.
  • Clients who need to be seen more quickly, or who may not be able to afford the full fees, may find that a supervised associate can see them in faster, and/or may provide a  cost-effective alternative to seeing a psychologist for direct client care

Please be familiar with your insurance plan.  While our experience is that most insurance companies will cover supervised services, we cannot guarantee that all insurers will do so.  Please note that all receipts will have both the supervising psychologist and the supervisee therapist’s names. Claims for insurance should be submitted under the supervising psychologist’s name.

If inquiring with your insurance company, it can be helpful to note the following:

  • We do not provide supervision solely for the purpose of billing.
  • Supervising psychologists accepts all responsibility for your care. The supervising psychologist provides guidance, input, and clinical direction to your supervised therapist, to ensure the highest quality of care. The supervising psychologist is available
    to meet with you at your request, and may ask that they meet with you at their own discretion.
  • This is the wording we recommend when checking with your insurer:
    If my psychologist is legally and ethically responsible for my care, and is providing service through the supervision of someone who is not a psychologist, are these services covered by my plan?” If the answer is “no,” or “the services must be provided by a registered psychologist,” we recommend emphasizing that “legally and ethically, the supervising psychologist is the responsible clinician.

We cannot provide refunds for services rendered which are subsequently denied coverage by an insurer.