Meet Dr. Taslim


Dr. Taslim Alani-Verjee is a Clinical Psychologist, and the Director and Founder of Silm Centre for Mental Health. She practices from a Cognitive-Behavioural orientation (e.g., CBT, DBT, and ACT). She works with adolescents and adults who are having difficulties with adjustment and/or with their mental health.

Dr. Taslim graduated with her PhD in Clinical Psychology from Lakehead University, and has a Masters in International Development Studies from Dalhousie University. She currently teaches at Adler Graduate Professional School, the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) at the University of Toronto, and Lakehead University. She is an Adjunct Faculty Member at Lakehead University and at Adler Graduate Professional School.

Dr. Taslim is a keynote speaker and is often featured in the media. She consults, teaches and does research related to mental health, well-being, intimate partner violence, stigma, social justice, diversity, equity and inclusion, culturally-adapted psychotherapies, and cultural humility in clinical practice.

To learn more about Dr. Taslim, click here.

Watch Dr. Taslim’s TED talk on Radical Self-Care below.